This is my first blog post.
So I know that everyone is talking about the coronavirus. But I thought I would talk about how it has affected me at this time.
lets go back to last week when we were all told that there was a possibility that we would go into lockdown ( at the time I thought it might have been an overreaction, like I am sure most of your did too). so Monday I stayed at home as usual as it is my day off, but through the day we were informed that someone at our college had contracted the virus and that the top floor of college was shut off but that the college was still open. ( we did get this information from someones snapchat story) After this we were told that the student didn't have it but there family member was thought to have it and they sent the student home as a precaution. I was now a little worried as I live with my grandparents as well as a my little brother who is disabled so I have to be very carful, I decide that I should go into college and talk to my tutor, to see what he suggests to do.
I have to get two trains to college so I was having to be really carful of where I put my hands and who I stood next to on my journey. when I got to college I sat down with my friends witch was a normal thing to do in the morning before class. in hindsight I should have been a lot more carful than I was that day, I shouldn't of sat that close to them but for the rest of the day I was really good for example I wore gloves and cleaned the key boards I was touching as well as washing my hand when ever I could.
when we got into class my tutor explained that if we had venerable people at home that we really shouldn't come in any more just in case, so that was it I did half of the day I would normal do at college and then I went to go home. at this point schools and colleges were still open and that was they wanted to keep it for as long as possible.
on my way home again I was really carful of where I touched and tasing my hands every time I could.
Now the next day we were told that we should not go to college because they were now starting online teaching witch is great for the fact that we don't have to travel or be in close contact with other people.
The government said that if you think you have the symptoms you should say in your home for 7 days, they also said that you shouldn't go to pubs and clubs things that are not important.
this sent the UK in to panic and then people started to panic buy things like toilet role and pasta.
The picture above are the store self that are now empty from people just trying to get as much food as possible.
Now my family didn't panic buy we decided that we need to get some food and we could get a little extra so we thought that we would go online to book an order now I saw a few slots that were opens I took one and started my order and I got a call from my auntie, she informed me that should couldn't get a slot for up to three weeks and she asked if she could order food on our order.
now by Thursday we knew that most schools and college were closing for the foreseeable future and that SATs,GCSE and A-Levels would be canceled and that people doing them would get their predicted grades. But that then got me thinking about how we would be affected in this because our work is all course work.
now I know that there are a lot of people that are fighting this fight on the front line, people who work in Health and Social care ( All NHS staff and Carers), Education and Childcare, Food and other necessary goods, Key public services( Postal workers), Local and National government, Utility workers ( oil, gas, electricity, water and may more), public safety and national security ( police, armed forces, fire rescue) and Transport. The people who are working in these sectors are working very hard and they are doing fantastic work in fighting this pandemic. I was witness to one great things on Thursday the 26th March at 8:00pm I went outside and hear people clapping for everyone working on the front lines and it was so amazing to hear that about of people showing there support for the people working 40+ weeks it got me very emotional and I am sure it did a lot of people.
This pandemic has now stoped me from doing my original idea for my FMP ( Final Manger Project). So my idea was to have a bake sale/ bake off to raise money for a charity black tie event I was going to do.
Part of my FMP was going to part of MET fest ( a college event that we had to take part in) that was going to be the bake off and we would sell them to create the funds for the bigger charity event. I will do this at college. I will also help Morgan with her project within the college. The bigger event is going to raise money for the QE2 ( Queen Elizabeth 2 school). I want it to be a black tie dinner or night, where we have a sit down dinner or buffet.
As we are no longer allowed to have gatherings of any kind it has put a stop to my big event and that fact that my college has not shut it looks like I can't even put on my bake sale. This means I have to now rethink what I am going to do for my FMP and from the advise my tutor has given me it looks like it will have to be an online event.
At this moment I have not been thinking about any new ideas have been focused on the safety of my family.
Next week I am going to start mind maping the new idea on what I could do and I will keep you updated.
See you next week,
Love Faith